Founder Wellbeing and Effectiveness

There's a lot being asked of you.

To succeed as an ENTREPRENEUR you’ll need to do things that you’ve never done before and be who you’ve never been before. You’ll need to constantly learn, grow and be challenged to bring the very best of yourself to your business and the people you serve.

At Maiara Coach, we help founders to heal and develop themselves while pursuing ambitious goals within their startup.

We need brazenly ambitious and kind-hearted entrepreneurs to win.

Businesses are destroying our planet.


Business will also be the fix.


We need brazenly ambitious and kind-hearted entrepreneurs to win. Now more than ever.

That’s why we’ve made it OUR MISSION to ensure the next generation of business leaders are healed, happy, connected and effective.

How? By combining a diverse founder community + weekly goal setting and accountability + transformational personal growth media platform. 
Maiara Coach is an affordable, enjoyable, effective, relevant, flexible and scalable solution that helps founders to win the inner game of entrepreneurship.

how you can get involved...

Community Events

Entrepreneurship is a lonely road. Sometimes you just want to hang with other creators, have fun and expose yourself to new ideas. That’s why we host inclusive social events – online and IRL. No fireside chats. No founder talks. Just catching up with mates, making new friends and seeing where all the juicy human to human connection goes. You might just come away feeling a little bit better about yourself, in business and in life.
Check out the Battle Unicorns (BUMU) Meetup Group to see upcoming events.

Accountability Groups

Pursue Goals Alongside Your Peers

There’s nothing like learning and growing together within a small group of peers on a similar journey. Multi-week group programs are great. Trust is high and so is accountability – progress is palpable. However groups typically drift apart when programs end, accountability goes away, habits fade and loneliness creeps back in. Individual coaching or therapy is so valuable – but it’s also expensive. 
We’ve taken all the good bits from small group programs as well as individual therapy and made them enduring, flexible and affordable.
Our paid membership matches you with a small, ongoing accountability group facilitated by a therapeutic coach familiar with startups. We meet as a group digitally and asynchronously via short video check-ins. There are no weekly session times to commit to.

Transformational Personal Growth Media Platform

Gain open access to a platform of deeply transformational modules designed to increase  effectiveness, resilience, healing and wellbeing. Individuals within accountability groups can be pointed towards the module that is relevant to them that week. Rather than everyone moving through a program together, our members are seen, heard and responded to as individuals.

Customer since 2018

“Maiara Coach helped me strip back those mental barriers, jettison the emotional deadweight and provided me with the high octane boost my mental engine needed to breakthrough to that next level with my life and ambitions.” 

Jesse Puata,

WKF/HHA Hapkido Oceana Champion 2018

7x NZJJF New Zealand Ju-Jitsu Champion,

ISKA/KSK Karate NZ National Champion 2018

Founder; Ronin Coalition.

Founder: NPMMA

Hi, I’m Helen.

Entrepreneur, Therapeutic Coach and Software M&A 

I’m a serial entrepreneur, work in software M&A and in my spare time I’m a trained therapeutic coach focusing on startup mindset, relationships and influence. I know that entrepreneurs will save our planet and so I’m passionate about supporting this generation’s visionary leaders and agents of positive change. I’m no stranger to bias, struggle, loss and failure yet I’m living and executing with purpose, joy and ambition. Maiara Coach is my way of helping others to do the same. I’m also a mum and expat.

Hi, I’m Dr. Naomi.

Phd Educator in Innovation. Business Coach. Mind Body Practitioner.

Combining my PhD research in Entrepreneurial Experiential Learning programs and a career in transformational life and business coaching has enabled me to create change within ecosystems, teams and within entrepreneurs themselves. As a cancer survivor, I understand the importance of creating and maintaining work life balance while also putting energy towards a higher purpose and meaningful goals. This is something that I’ve achieved myself and I love helping others to do the same. I’m also a mum and expat.

free daily success planner

Success doesn’t just happen! It takes planning and focused action towards high-priority tasks and outcomes. Download the goal setting and action planning system that we use daily to keep ourselves and our members on track, on pace and 100% in emotional alignment. FREE TRAINING included!

“MC is the best value coaching program I’ve seen (and I’ve seen a lot). The resources in this program are just as great as what you would expect in a program that is ten times the cost.”

Craig Harwood, Founder AMW Health.

“Together we fleshed out the dream and I’m being kept focused, disciplined and accountable. If you want to change your mindset, become focused and open up to all possibilities then I thoroughly recommend this. I am 200% satisfied with Helen and her transformational service.”

Victoria (Toni) Morrison, Founder VM Vocal Hub

audio samples

how to move up in the world

The secret of growth. It’s who you know and who you help (and guess what…it starts with yourself!) Assessing the values and value of your circle of influence and allocating your time appropriately.

Being transformed

New ways of thinking about ourselves and others. How are you going on your journey from the person that you’ve been to the person you’re choosing to become? How can you be more of that person now? How you’re feeling is intricately tied to how you’re being. Are you being small or fearful or doubtful or are you being expressive, courageous and confident?

Vulnerability and entrepreneurship

interview with kofi Douhadji from dooko

If you have a dream that feels buried deep inside you or you feel like success is taking too long or that it’s all just too hard, you’re going to want to take a listen. We talk about the essential role that vulnerability plays if we truly want to live lives that we can call successful.


Maiara Coach has been designed by busy founders for busy founders. We’ve put a lot of work into figuring out how to help busy people generate incredible results for the smallest inputs of time and money. Show up in your weekly accountability group for 5 minutes and then work through the recommended modules at your own pace. Easy!

$15/week including gst. Each week your membership will also plant a tree (via One Tree Planted). 

Join For $15 Per Week

PITCH DECK (teaser)

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